Agriculture Programme

by Balwin Properties
July 03, 2023

In 2021, about 2,1 million (11,6%) of South African households reported experiencing hunger. South Africa faces challenges ranging from high unemployment and poverty to the ongoing energy crisis and rising costs of living. The Balwin Foundation partnered with Abalimi Bezekhaya in the Western Cape, training over 50 community members in gardening and food sustainability, 66% of the trainees were female and 34% were males with a total of 11 youth participants.

The training took place in Nyanga as well as Khayelitsha which are communities near Balwin Huntsman development.347392055_203012439285998_6250676920152840535_n

The need to educate the elderly on such programs is to help keep them sustained and not be dependent on only social grants but have access to selling at local farmers’ markets and within their own communities. Through this training we achieved two goals under the UN Sustainable Development Goals: Goal 1: No Poverty and Goal 2: Zero Hunger- “End Hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture”.347399657_554740890182120_8341409057486466323_n

Each participant received practical and theoretical training, a training manual, light meals, a certificate, and a starter kit which included seedlings, seeds, manure, and fertilizer to start a home garden.

We are looking forward to growing the program in the Western Cape region in the next quarter.347438795_1015942546481690_2009886113109915642_n