"Making the invisible visible"
As part of our water safety and swimming program, we are not only focusing on survival within water but we also raise public awareness about the significance of fresh water and sustainable management of this significant resource.

One of the main purposes of this day is to “support the achievement of sustainable development goal (SDG) 6: water and sanitation for all by 2030."

This past weekend we had the opportunity to join Adopt-a-River team as well as many other organizations such, WESSA KwaZulu-Natal Region , reddamhouseumhlanga, Philocaly Trail , @chelsea_prep , Oceans Alive to name a few for their monthly clean ups at the @beachwoodmangroves , Durban.

Hope with this initiative we are able to reach out to many more people to join in on the clean ups and also to raise awareness of water pollution as well as keeping our sea life safe and clean.