10 Tips to Save Electricity at Home

by Balwin Properties
August 30, 2024

Discover how easy it is to reduce your energy bill and environmental footprint with these simple yet effective electricity-saving strategies for your home.


Many household appliances consume electricity even when they are not in use, due to standby mode. By switching off appliances at the wall and unplugging chargers, you can eliminate this unnecessary energy consumption. This simple action can contribute to significant savings on your electricity bill, potentially reducing it by up to 6%.

Make it a habit to turn off and unplug devices like televisions, microwaves, and phone chargers when they are not in use. Over time, these small steps can add up to substantial savings.


When cooking, you can save energy by bringing food to a boil and then placing the hot pot in an insulated cooker to slow cook it. This method reduces the amount of time the stove or oven needs to be on, lowering your electricity usage.

When boiling water, only boil what you need. For instance, boiling a full kettle (1 liter) costs more than boiling just enough for one cup. By being mindful of the amount of water you boil, you can save on your electricity bill.

Home Temperature

Using natural ventilation is a cost-effective way to keep your home cool. By opening windows and doors, you can create a cross breeze that helps regulate the temperature without the need for electric fans or air conditioning units.

This method not only saves electricity but also brings fresh air into your home, improving indoor air quality. Try to take advantage of cooler times of the day, like early morning or late evening, to ventilate your home effectively.


Geysers are one of the largest consumers of electricity in a household. Ensuring that your geyser is set to 55°C can prevent it from using more energy than necessary. If it's set higher, it will consume more electricity, resulting in higher bills.

Consult with your estate manager or a professional to check and adjust your geyser's temperature setting. This simple adjustment can lead to noticeable savings on your electricity bill.

Light bulbs

Energy-saving light bulbs, such as LEDs, are significantly more efficient than traditional incandescent bulbs. They use less electricity and last longer, providing long-term savings.

Always switch off lights when you leave a room to avoid unnecessary electricity use. This simple habit can make a big difference in your overall energy consumption.


Showers are generally more energy-efficient than baths. Taking two 5-minute showers per day is much cheaper compared to taking two baths a day.

By opting for showers over baths, you can significantly reduce your electricity and water bills. Keep your showers short to maximise savings.

Shower Head

Water-efficient shower heads reduce the amount of water used without compromising on water pressure. These shower heads can save up to 40% of the hot water used, which in turn reduces the energy needed to heat the water.

Installing a water-efficient shower head is an easy and effective way to cut down on both water and electricity usage, leading to lower utility bills.

Natural Drying

Using a clothes dryer consumes a significant amount of electricity. Whenever possible, opt for natural drying methods such as using communal wash lines or drying racks indoors.

For rainy days, indoor drying racks can be a great alternative. Additionally, consider using the lifestyle centre laundry services that may offer more energy-efficient solutions.

Keeping Warm

During colder months, it's tempting to use electric heaters to stay warm. However, these devices can significantly increase your electricity bill.

Instead, layer up with warm clothing and use blankets to keep warm. This approach is not only cost-effective but also environmentally friendly.

Know Your Metering Company

Understanding your electricity usage and bill is crucial for managing your consumption effectively. If you have any questions or issues, don't hesitate to contact your metering company.

Companies like Iswitch, RMS, PEC, and Meerkat Metering can provide support and help you understand your electricity usage better. This knowledge can empower you to make more informed decisions about your energy consumption.

Iswitch: 010 085 4300

RMS: 012 001 3600

PEC: 086 137 0101

Meerkat: 011 312 1118